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Les prothèses Amoena sont agréablement polyvalentes. Pour les poitrines peu galbées, elles ont une silicone souple sur la face avant et une face interne plus ferme, pour donner un rendu et un tombé des plus naturels. Pour les poitrines moyennement profondes ou profondes, on inverse - la face arrière est ultra souple et la face avant légèrement pllus ferme.

Principaux avantages

  • Silicone InTouch - la plus douce et la plus souple des silicones existantes
  • Technologie Comfort+ - absorbe, stocke et restitue la chaleur corporelle pour maintenir une température régulière tout au long de la journée
  • Rigoureusement testée pour sa résistance et sa capacité à conserver sa forme, sa consistance de couleur et sa douceur lors d'utilisations prolongées, y compris le changement de température et les chocs
  • Tests intensifs d'utilisation pour le confort, la facilité d'utilisation et la pertinence de son adaptation à la chirurgie individuelle et au mode de vie
  • Fait à la main en Allemagne

Prothèse Natura Cosmetic 2S Comfort+ - Ivory

Référence de l'article: 320 Natura Cosmetic 2S
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Référence de l'article: 320 Natura Cosmetic 2S
  • Peut être utilisée côté droit ou côté gauche
  • Formulation de silicone ultra souple InTouch
  • Dotée de la technologie de régulation de température Comfort+
  • Prothèse allégée à l'aspect et au ressenti très naturels
  • Appartient au concept Natura, très apprécié pour son naturel en mouvement


La Natura est conçue pour ressembler le plus naturellement à la forme et au tombé du sein. La Natura Cosmetic, quant à elle, offre un naturel inégalé sur ses deux faces.




PU-Film, Lightweight Silicone, Silicone, Phase-Change-Material

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All Reviews


I rate this breast form A+++!! I had the Natura Light 2S, but this breast form is an improvement. I was completely happy with the Natura Light, but this feels amazingly soft to the touch. I'm thrilled, and I cannot recommend this more highly.


I rate this breast form A+++!! I had the Natura Light 2S, but this breast form is an improvement. I was completely happy with the Natura Light, but this feels amazingly soft to the touch. I'm thrilled, and I cannot recommend this more highly.

Wears out too quickly

Amoena breast forms are very comfortable, balance well with my natural breast and keep their shape. But they do wear out quickly. On average they only last around 18 months. How about improving the longevity of the breast forms Amoena? Amoena reponse : Our breast forms have a 3 year warranty and during that period should be cleaned after each use and stored in the cradle when not in use.

Natura Breast Form

Very pleased with this breast form - light and very comfortable. I have always been very happy with Amoena products

comfortable, but large

I measured myself carefully, but still find it large, and awkward to squeeze into the bra pocket, and I worry about damaging it. When in place it is very comfortable and light. Very expensive, seems unfair.


I chose this one last time because it is much lighter in weight than the original one I got. It is very soft and comfortable and lasts for years.

Breast Form

Natura Cosmetic 2S Breast Form is a wonderful product. I have had two of these over the last five years and they are very comfortable and look great.

Very Comfortable Feels great on

I went into Nordstrom to get fitted for breast forms . I wanted size 8 or 9 we found size fit perfect! VERY comfortable the fullness of the cup is perfect & feels so real & I know with Amoena they are well made & last a long time ! Thanks!

Correspond à la taille attendue: Très vrai
Confort: Très confortable
Maintien: Très bon maintien
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Great breast forms!

I like these very much! I use them every time when out on the beach in my swimsuit! Feels natural and gives me a perfekt female shape . Can be used by both male and female.

Correspond à la taille attendue: Très vrai
Confort: Très confortable
Maintien: Très bon maintien
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Prothèse Natura Cosmetic 2S Comfort+