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My Body, My Shaper

Amoena breast shapers offer a solution for every type of asymmetry, so you can feel body confident

Amoena breast shaper for lumpectomy  - breast cancer survivors

In whatever you choose to do and wherever you choose to go, you should feel comfortable and confident. After breast surgery (or even naturally), sometimes breast asymmetry can be a challenge. 

So, in collaboration with real women, we have redefined the concept of breast shapers, making exceptional comfort, design and fit more accessible than ever before. Because every woman has earned the right to feel sure of herself - and her body.

Wearing an Amoena breast shaper restores symmetry

A breast shaper is a silicone insert that is placed inside the bra to compensate when there is missing tissue after a surgery like lumpectomy, or if one breast is smaller than the other due to the effects of radiation or even reconstructive surgery. 

Wearing a shaper restores a symmetrical silhouette 

 partial mastectomy pictures - Breast Asymmetry after lumpectomy surgery  solution for uneven breast after breast conserving surgery – lumpectomy prosthesis by Amoena
Without the shaper

 With the shaper 

 After a lumpectomy, tissue is missing from the lower part of this breast, making her silhouette asymmetrical.

The shaper accommodates the missing tissue and lifts the remaining tissue for a push-up effect. This creates a perfectly symmetrical look.

"After the operation, I felt out of balance. They just took out a little lump, but it feels like half the breast is missing."

"When I wore the shaper for the first time, it was an incredible experience; suddenly, I could wear proper shirts again." 

Every woman is unique and deserves a solution that's right for her — one that can enhance her body confidence. Amoena's comprehensive portfolio gives her plenty of breast shaper options. 

With an Amoena breast shaper you get:

  • A balanced silhouette, as a result of high-quality, natural silicone
  • Premium comfort, because Comfort+ technology prevents sticking and sweating and ensures a natural feeling on the skin*
  • Optimal fit for every type of breast asymmetry, made possible by our comprehensive portfolio with many breast shaper options.

How would you describe your breast asymmetry?

One breast is slightly smaller.

One breast is significantly smaller.

Missing tissue on the lower part of the breast.

Missing or uneven tissue on the upper part or side of the breast.

The solution for your asymmetry


Use the Oval breast shaper to accommodate small differences in cup volume.

This breast shaper can be positioned either horizontally or vertically.


Use the Delta breast shaper to compensate for missing volume across your entire breast. 


Use the Ellipse breast shaper at the lower part of your breast to replace volume and push the breast up.


Use the Varia breast shaper at the top or side of your breast.

This versatile breast shaper can be positioned according to your requirement.

oval breast shaper amoena delta breast shaper amoena ellipse breast shaper amoena varia breast shaper

Q: How do I find the right breast shaper for my needs?

A: Breast shapers come in many shapes and sizes. The best way to find the shaper that's right for you is to visit your medical retailer and speak to a professional fitter. You can tell them about your personal preferences, and together you will be able to find the perfect breast shaper for your body and lifestyle.

Q: Will I have to pay for my breast shaper?

A: Your insurance company may reimburse you for your breast shaper. In order to get reimbursed, you will most likely need to provide them with a prescription for a "partial breast prosthesis". Reimbursement may vary from country to country, so it is best to ask your insurance company about their policy on reimbursing breast shapers.


​We're inviting women everywhere to share their "moments of Balance" with us — times when having the right breast shaper has allowed them to stand confidently and pursue their hobbies and goals with ease. Use #MyBodyMyShaper to share your stories in social media.

Find Amoena retailers here.


*Comfort+ is available with all Contact and Natura breast shapers.

breast shapers lumpectomy