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Amoenas lommebh'er er ikke bare designet til at se godt ud men også udviklet med specielle egenskaber for at sikre dig den bedste komfort og selvbevidsthed -- ting som bøjler, der ikke gnaver og kølende materialer til hverdagsbrug.

Vi har 40 års erfaring med at lytte til kvinder, det gør os til eksperter i design af bh'er til brystopererede, vi designer dem med dig i tankerne. Behagelige, justerbare stropper, der aflaster dine skuldre, lommer, der holder din brystprotese sikkert på plads, skåle, der er skåret så de passer til brystprotesens facon, bredere underkant giver lidt ekstra støtte, og andre tekniske detaljer, du ikke vil bemærke, men sikkert vil sætte pris på.

Vigtigste fordele

  • Skulderstropper støtter din brystprotese uden at lægge unødvendigt pres på dine skuldre. Nogle modeller og størrelser har bredere, forede komfort stropper, der spidser til nederst for den bedste support.
  • Diskrete lommer vil holde din brystprotese sikkert på plads, så den ikke glider ud - eller viser sig i overkanten af skålen. Udført i meget fint materiale eller mikrofiber, som er dejligt at røre ved, lommerne har facon så de passer perfekt i bh-skålen.
  • Amoenas har både bh'er med og uden bøjle i sortimentet. Vores flex-comfort bøjler er designet specielt til at følge brystprotesens facon, så du opnår god støtte uden at presse mod din protese eller ar-området.
  • Amoenas bh'er kan bruges af alle kvinder - uanset om du er brystopereret eller ej.

Amy Sømløs bh - Blush

Ref. nr: 44310 Amy SB
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Ref. nr: 44310 Amy SB
  • En innovativ sømløs bh i Rose Nude - behagelig uden bøjle og sømme
  • Denne bh sikrer at du ikke bliver generet af sømme eller hægter, og er usynlig under tøjet
  • Ekstra brede, bløde stropper og bred kant under busten som føles behagelig mod huden
  • Fordi den smyger sig om huden giver det en perfekt pasform, og den kan stadig støtte op om en brystprotese hvis du har en.
  • Den sømløse bh kan også bruge til at sove i
  • Størrelse : Small ( 32A-38A, 32B - 36B, 32C - 34C ), Medium ( 38A - 42A, 36B - 40B, 34C - 38C ), Large ( 42B, 38C - 42C, 36D - 40D )


Nok den blødeste af alle vore bher, den sømløse bh i Rose Nude er en fantastisk nyhed. Ikke en eneste søm eller syning, den er uden bøjle og det føles næsten som ikke at have noget på. Fordelen er at den stort set usynlig under tøjet. Den har lommer som holder din brystprotese eller delprotese sikkert på plads. Den har ekstra bløde stropper og et bredt stykke under barmen.


S, M, L, XL, 2XL
Small ( 70A-85A, 70B - 80B, 70C -75C ) 70D, Medium ( 85A - 95A, 80B - 90B, 75C - 85C ) 70D - 80D, 75E, Large 95A - 100A ( 90B-100B, 85C - 95C, 80D - 90D ) 75E – 85E, XL 100B - 105B, 95C - 105C, 90D - 100D, 85E - 95E 2XL 105C, 100D - 105D, 95E - 105E


72% Polyester, 28% LYCRA®





Seamless toppen er udgået af vores sortiment. Vi tilbyder i stedet bløde toppe som: Kitty (255.-), Clara (300.-), Becky (255.-), Amy (330.-)
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All Reviews


I have been looking for the perfect mastectomy bra for over 10 years and at last I have found it. It is like a second skin :- so comfortable you don't know that you are wearing it. I highly recommend this bra.

Oops, wrong size

I wear a size 38a mastectomy bra so ordered a size medium. However, these were far too tight on me so sadly I have had to return them. Have ordered the larger size though and look forward to them being in stock.

Seamless bra

I purchased 2 bras. They are so comfortable. My prosthesis fits perfectly and looks great! There is a lot of support, which I find quite surprising in a bra so light weight. I would recommend this bra to anyone.

Best Bra Ever

I am so pleased with this bra, so light and comfortable and no lumps and bumps showing through clothes.

So comfortable!
Jane Kirkwood

This bra is so comfortable! I am a size 36A and bought the Medium. It fits beautifully, though I could probably get away with a S size too. I didn't want to take it off to wash it! so may have to buy another one!!

Thank you for your feedback, this bra will be restocked in February, register to receive a reminder once the styles comes back into stock

Jane Currie

It’s not like wearing a bra! Just so comfortable!

Seamless mastectomy bra

This as the most comfortable bra I have ever had. Beats many of more expensive ones I have had. Easier to pull on from over feet and gives very good shape have 3 now and do not intend to change. Washes well and does't loose its shape


These are lovely bras,very soft but also supportive. I cannot tell I have them on which is like a miracle for me after breast cancer 3 times and 9 operations! It is not often l get this level of comfort.

So comfortable

Have worn this bra all the way through radiotherapy and afterwards, its so comfortable and gives a lovely natural shape, I can't recommend it highly enough!

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Perfect bra

This the perfect bra for smaller breasted woman. Its comfy to wear all day. Washes and dries quickly but maintains it shape. I wear a small. At first it seems to small but once on, it fits perfectly. I love it!!

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Amy seamless Bra

Really liked this bra the only thing that could be improved is to make the underband a bit longer as it does tend to ride up after sitting down.

Størrelsen passer: Korrekt
Komfort: Rimelig beghaglig
Støtte: God støtte
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At last, the perfect mastectomy bra

After 20 years of trying different mastectomy bras, I have finally found THE ONE! This is brilliant!

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Best bra ever

Amy is very nearly the elusive perfect bra: - No hardware - Elasticity woven in, no lumpy seams - Minimal edge binding - Can wear without wanting to burn But: - Polyester - Sharp tags - Armholes too small - Fits small and with little give

Størrelsen passer: Forkert
Komfort: Behagelig
Støtte: OK støtte
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Pour la nuit

Très agréable pour dormir.

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Amy bra

My favourite bra I wear all the time. Most comfortable when skin is tender after mastectomy. Wish it came in black. Tried to purchase black from US Amoena site but won’t ship to Canada. :(

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Wonder Bra!

This is the first bra I've found that sufficiently covers me so that I don't have to wear a cami with everything. Super comfortable. I am a size 38A and large fits perfectly.

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Best bra in years.

This bra is the most comfortable I have worn since my mastectomy in 2015. It is seamless and not heavily padded so gives a lovely natural look. I can at last wear a bra all day without discomfort. Thank you Amoena.

Størrelsen passer: Stort set korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: God støtte
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Finally- Pure Comfort!

I have had a terrible time finding a truly comfortable bra, Partly because of some fullness under my arm on the mastectomy side. This bra is utterly amazing. It's not easy to get into-I'll have to try stepping into it as one customer said...but once it's on I don't even know I'm wearing a bra. All day!!!!

Størrelsen passer: Korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Amy seamless bra

Fantastic product. I usually have to have a wired bra as I’ve had a mastectomy and although I had a reconstruction the sizes of my breasts are very different. This bra is snug and a perfect hold. I feel comfortable and good in this bra.

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Comfort bra

It is very comfortable to wear. It doesn’t feel the weight to wear and it is not uncomfortable even if wear it all day.

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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I love it!!! It is feeling like doesn’t wearing a bra... I’m going to buy one more ..

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Most comfortable bra ever

I *love* this bra. I bought one a few months ago in an order that had 3 types in it & this is the only one I am reordering -- getting 3 more! I got a medium & don't need much in the way of support so I can't really speak to that aspect but it is *super* comfortable. My only suggestion for improvement would be to have the tag lie flat going towards the back, where the skin is less sensitive.

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: OK støtte
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So comfortable!

I never thought I would get to wear a bra like this post Mastectomy. It looks like a bralette. Fit tight enough to not move (38B) much, and generally doesn't pinch by the end of the day. I can wear it for light aerobic activities. Very comfortable. I'm ordering the other color today!

Størrelsen passer: Korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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It is the best ever bra I have worn for the past few years. I am going to buy some more in my next order

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Soft and supportive

I wasn’t sure about size (I’m 38b in Amoena, 36b in others) so ordered a medium. It seemed very small when it came but it. Vitally fitted well and had no bits to rub or irritate. I haven’t worn it long so I hope it doesn’t stretch overly but time will tell

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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Amy seamless

Since having a double mastectomy Amoena has been my saviour. I just love their bras. They are comfortable & give me a good shape. Unfortunately I had to return this one as I found it a bit tight. It was a different style for me & I thought I would try it but not for me.

Størrelsen passer: Korrekt
Komfort: Rimelig beghaglig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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je le recommande

Confortable pour rester à la maison

Størrelsen passer: Stort set korrekt
Komfort: Rimelig beghaglig
Støtte: OK støtte
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So comfortable!

This is my second one! I have a problem with bras riding up and this is the first bra that stays where it is suppose to. It's very soft and comfortable and washes very well. Love this bra!!

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: Fantastisk støtte
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No adjustment

I bought this in a medium as a 36B (size 12) but found this bra too tight & as it had no adjustment on the straps it was too short in the body, so I have sent it back. Still waiting for my refund though its been 1 1/2 weeks

Thank you for your review. I have sent you a personal email regards your refund.

Størrelsen passer: Forkert
Komfort: Ikke behagelig
Støtte: OK støtte
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More, please!

Just taken delivery of my black Amy bra - I already have these bras so I know how comfortable it will be. I'm just so delighted to see that there are no labels! I've never understood why British firms always have to have labels whereas in America the necessary details are often printed, like this, onto the garment itself. Well done! Just one little thing - I do wish I could have got this bra in white as well ....

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: OK støtte
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Brilliant bra

I have been searching for the perfect bra since 1985… really! This one is fabulous. I took it travelling to Thailand and bought two more when I returned home. The local charity shop is delighted to receive all my bras from well known high street stores that promised a lot and did not deliver.. At one point I even went sea swimming in …it behaved perfectly…

Størrelsen passer: Helt korrekt
Komfort: Virkelig behagelig
Støtte: God støtte
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not what I was expecting

I was very disappointed with the fabric of this garment. It seems to be more like rubber than fabric. Just not comfortable.

Størrelsen passer: Korrekt
Komfort: Ikke behagelig
Støtte: OK støtte
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Amy Sømløs bh