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Informazioni prodotto


Sei es ein kaum merklicher Größenunterschied zwischen Ihren Brüsten oder eine ganze Cupgröße, Amoena Balance Ausgleichsformen füllen Ihren BH auf und verleihen Ihnen jederzeit eine ausgeglichene Silhouette.


  • Einfach in jedem mit Taschen versehenen BH zu platzieren, für eine harmonische Silhouette.
  • Ideal nach brusterhaltender Operation, Rekonstruktion, wiederholten Biopsien oder auch bei einer natürlichen Brustasymmetrie.
  • Sanft auslaufende Ränder schmiegen sich an den Körper an.
  • Weiches, natürliches Aussehen selbst in hauchzarten Dessous.
  • Dank des Einsatzes von Comfort+-Technology bleiben Sie bei Hitze cool und bei Kälte in Balance.
  • Das Sortiment beinhaltet auch Contact-Modelle, die direkt auf der Haut haften.

Balance Natura Thin Delta - Ivory

Codice ordine: TD217 Balance Natura TD
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Codice ordine: TD217 Balance Natura TD
  • Balance Natura Thin Delta 217 - protesi parziale sottile di forma triangolared
  • Design assottigliato lungo i bordi per assecondare il passaggio dalla protesi al torace
  • Lo strato in Comfort+ riduce la sudorazione mantenendo costante la temperatura nella zona a contatto con la cute
  • Riveste l'intero seno ed è spessa un solo centimetro al centro, in tutte le taglie
  • Bordi assottigliati per un passaggio naturale alla parete toracica
  • Piccole scanalature nel retro donano una curvatura anatomica e maggior flessibilità


Le coppette compensative Amoena sono una soluzione per le donne che presentano un’asimmetria del seno, sia essa naturale o insorta in seguito a una quadrantectomia, a una ricostruzione o a biopsie multiple.


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Pellicola in poliuretano, Silicone

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All Reviews

thank you

Hi - I've needed a breast form for right mastectomy and a 'balance up' for the left (I'm very flat chested) and have been happily using Amoena for the last 12 years. I needed to renew the balance one on the left but it is no longer made; (couldn't find any one to talk to at Amoena - so instead of waiting to do so! duh! I ordered the Balance Ellipse which was not what I wanted at all. I spoke to an adviser the next day at Amoena who after lengthy discussion - suggested I order the Balance Delta size 3 which I did. It arrived yesterday - I am SOOOO happy with it and couldn't thank the adviser I spoke to enough. I've always been happy with Amoena products and cannot recommend highly enough. Massive thanks

Taglia: Taglia perfetta
Comfort: Estremamente comodo
Sostegno: Ottimo sostegno
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Balance Natura Thin Delta