I am looking to buy another post surgical bra that I have, its Amoena Leyla Post Surgical seamless bra and it is on your website, but no price is listed. Can I not purchase it on your website?
The Leyla Bra in black and white are now available for online purchase.
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does the Leyla have a HCPC code??
The Leyla Bra has the following insurance codes: PDAC Registration: 19357C21100001 and HCPC: L8000.
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I am a 38 H I am going down to a full 36 CD cup. What size post op bra should I order?
The Leyla Seamless surgical bra is designed by band size, since your provided size is changing to a 36, I would suggest the size 36 Leyla bra.
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Does the leyla bra have any metal that will touch my skin?
No, No Amoena bras have metal that will touch you skin in the design.
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