Will Contact stay in place without a bra?
Contact breast forms adhere well to the skin and some women are able to wear it without the support of a bra. However, for complete security in every situation, we would recommend that you wear Contact in a bra, covers are available for the contact breast form when used in a bra.
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my size is 36b. how can I choose this size?
Hello Mrs. Gloria,
Thank you for taking the time to send us an email. Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. Since your bra size is a 36B, your form size would be a size 5. Please visit our website to find a retailer near your area.
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my breast is virtually flat - does that mean I need Contact 1 (shallow breast form) or Contact 3 (full breast form) to acheive the correct size?
The amount of fullness from a breast form will depend on what look you would like to achieve. I have two articles that will help you under the
Fitting Process and the Importance of
Getting a Good Fit. These articles and getting with a
Certified Fitter near you will help you to answer this question for you.
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Let me start off by saying there are NO Amoena fitters in my area, so don't even think of suggesting it. I have questions about the contact breast forms. I had a double mastectomy and am very happy to appear as AA after a life of oversize breasts. What is the difference between the various models? Do they come in sizes? If so, what size is AA?
We have 7 contact breast forms--with different shapes and dimensions.
For example: we have 1S- which is for a Shallow Fit
We have 2S- Average cup fitting
We have 3S- Full cup fitting. The S – stands for symmetrical. The A- stands for Asymmetrical. The E-stands for extra shape, it has an extension that covers the incisions that you have maybe under the arm or towards the breast bone.
If you have a chance, please look on our website ( and click the box that says breast forms and then a drop down menu will appear. Please click on “Contact Breast Forms” and you will see all the different items. You will be able to decide which one you like best.
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What is the weight, please, of Contact 1S in size 1?
The Contact 1S size 1 weighs appx. 105 grams.
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do you wear a regular bra with the contact breast form, or do you still need a pocket bra.
Contact breast forms are designed to be worn against the chest walls skin, so you can wear a bra (pocketed or not) because forms do not go in the pockets of the bra.
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What is the price and how can I order from you again?
Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online; they are only sold at the retailer level, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. We offer product information for all our breast forms so that consumers are aware about their product options. Please visit our website to find a retailer in your area that would be happy to assist you with fitting and purchasing an Amoena breast form.
Authorized Amoena retailers can also ship orders to you, simply ask about drop-shipping.
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