I would like to order an amoena energy. How do ...
I would like to order an amoena energy. How do i do that since it doesn't say in the page? Thank you.
Hello Miss. Lavarias,
Thank you for taking the time to send us an email. Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. Please visit our website to find a retailer near your area. https://www.amoena.com/us-en/retailers/
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Do all of your breast forms come with ...
Do all of your breast forms come with the nipple or are they all available without it?
Also, is the aqua wave used for anything other than swimming? I ask this because the fitter I saw recommended this to me For every day use.
Thank you.
Hello Mrs. Marjorie,
Thank you for taking the time to send us an email. All Amoena Breast Forms have a very slight nipple indentation. You can purchase nipples separately online. As fr you question about the Aqua Wave Form. It is not recommended for everyday uses, but can be worn if needed. The Aqua Wave Form is specially designed primarily for water activities. I hope this was helpful.
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How much does the Energy 2U Light Breast ...
How much does the Energy 2U Light Breast Form
Order Code: 341 weigh?
Hello Mrs. Diane,
Thank you for taking the time to send us an email. Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. Please visit our website to find a retailer near your area. https://www.amoena.com/us-en/retailers/
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How much about this one?
How much about this one?
Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. We offer product information for all our breast forms so that consumers are aware about their product options. Please visit our website to find a retailer in your area that would be happy to assist you with fitting and purchasing an Amoena breast form. https://www.amoena.com/us-en/retailers/
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Hi, I have two questions:
1. Energy Light 2U ...
Hi, I have two questions:
1. Energy Light 2U compares with Energy Light 2S, which one is bigger? which one is lighter?
2. I've never had the Universal shape form, so I want to try out this Energy Light 2U. I have the Contact Light 2S size 5, what size should I order for the Energy Light 2U?
Thank you.
The Energy light 2U (1.25 lbs.) and the 2S (1.27 lbs.) are about the same in weight in a size 5 breast form. You would order the same size, but I suggest that you go get a retailer to get fitted for the different shape breast form. Because the Universal breast forms are shaped differently, you may need a different size to achieve ultimate comfort and fullness. Please visit our
Find a Retailer for the closest authorized Amoena retailer near you.
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Who should get the U shape?
Does U shape have...
Who should get the U shape?
Does U shape have more benefits than S shape?
Universal breast forms allow more coverage under the arm if needed, fitting points where more tissue has been removed, and can be use on either right or left sides.
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Can this form go into the swimming pool and oce...
Can this form go into the swimming pool and ocean
Amoena breast forms are not highly recommend to swim and water activities; we recommend the Amoena
Aqua Wave Swim Form specially designed for swim and water activities.
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My 341 form energy light 2u size 3, which I ...
My 341 form energy light 2u size 3, which I purchased through Nordstrom in January 2022 both sides has developed air bubbles all over. Is this normal? I am currently traveling from Hawaii and currently in Colorado Springs and leaving for Las Vegas on Friday.
Black dots on a prosthesis after a flight
One other item that we must address: The change in air pressure. It is not uncommon for lightweight silicone breast forms to
develop temporary air bubbles if they are in higher elevations where
the air pressure changes. If you are a frequent flyer, you may have seen
what appear to be small, black dots inside your breast form,
due to the change in elevation. This is not a defect, nor will it harm
the form. In fact, the air bubbles typically disappear within about two
weeks of travelling or climbing. So don’t worry, travel happy!
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With the 341 , S2 form, how is it placed in ...
With the 341 , S2 form, how is it placed in pocket of bra?
All Amoena bras are designed with a pocketed cup, which allows you to place the breast form in the pocket through a slight opening .

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