I need to order new forms. What I have is Amoena Natura 1S 663 sz 7
Do you still have this form? I would need 2. I have Medicare and Cigna. Please can you assist me. Thank you, Cheryl
Amoena does still make the
Natura 1S Light Breast Form (664). Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. We offer product information for all our breast forms so that consumers are aware about their product options. At this time, we unable to file or handle any insurance claims for online customer purchases. Please feel free to visit our website to find a
local retailer near that would be more than happy to help handle that for you.
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I now have a Essential 556.
I had years ago a prosthesis that looked like a tear drop to me I'm looking at Essential 630 or Natura 664 I was switched to 556 because they quit making my first prosthesis. Do you have any suggestions?
If you are interested in a light weight breast form, try the Natura Xtra Light 1SN 401. The Essential 630 1S and the Natura Light 664 1S are also tear drop design breast forms that would work. Please visit our website to find a retailer in your area that would be happy to assist you with fitting and purchasing an Amoena breast form.
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I have a 2s in Natura light size 3 but I really think the 1 s would fit better. Would it still be size 3?
Yes, the size would always be the same if you changed to a different breast forms. The 2S and 1S are related to the breast form shape, not the number size. Use the following link to learn more about Amoena breast forms fittings.
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What is the difference between the Natura Light 1SN the 1S versions?
Nothing is different, it is the NEW version of that breast form.
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Can we order these direct.
Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online; they are only sold at the retailer level, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. We offer product information for all our breast forms so that consumers are aware about their product options. Please visit our website to find a retailer in your area that would be happy to assist you with fitting and purchasing an Amoena breast form.
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