Of the non-attachable, delta, partial shapers, which are the thickest? Does it run thin, medium and volume for increasing thickness?
Thank you.
Yes,Yes, and Yes. The Balance Form Collection has different thicknesses to offer you the needed option to fill-in space where needed for remaining breast tissue. I have attached a link for additional Shaper and Balance information.
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I ordered a delta 222 but received a delta Balance Natura 220. What is the difference between these two styles?
The Natura Delta Balance Shaper 222 has more volume thickness which fills your bra cup with a little more volume (V) in the center, then the 220 shaper.
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Im in the process of breast reconstruction, after that is completed, my very large remaining breast will be reduced. Is their a breast form with extremely large volume that could help give me some symmetry? Thank you
Yes, Amoena offers very large size breast forms and balance breast form to help with symmetry. Currently, Amoena does not sell partials or breast forms online; they are only sold at the retailer level, because we understand the importance of getting the right fit. We offer product information for all our breast forms so that consumers are aware about their product options. Please visit our website to find a retailer in your area that would be happy to assist you with fitting and purchasing an Amoena breast form.
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Could you please send cleaning instructions for the Balance Natura VD Breast Form. I would like to clean it before my initial use.
Thank You
Please read for the following Amoena article on how to properly care for your Amoena Breast Form.
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