Welcome to our new resource for healthcare professionals where you will find a range of information, from resources for your patients to product data and fitting tips, plus new studies and trends as they become available. We hope you find it helpful – please let us know if there is anything else we can share that would support you in your daily practice.
- Post-OP Wear
- Scar Therapy After Breast Surgery
- CuraSupport Compression Bras
- CuraSupport Comfort Bras
- CuraScar Compression Garments
- CuraSupport Comfort Bras
- Custom Breast Form
- Adapt Air Breast Form
- Contact Breast Form
- Energy Breast Form
- Natura Breast Form
- Essential Breast Form
- Basic Breast Form
- Breast Shapers
- Lumpectomy
- Leisure & Swim Breast Forms
- Breast Form Accessories